UX design takes a holistic, multidisciplinary approach to the design of user interfaces for digital products. Depending on the product, it can integrate interaction design, industrial design, information architecture, visual interface design, instructional design, and user-centered design, ensuring coherence and consistency across all of these design dimensions. UX design defines a product’s form, behavior, and content.
Trends in UX
The advent of the World Wide Web forever changed the landscape of UX. Before the Web, a fairly small, close-knit UX community consisted mainly of people who called themselves user experience designers or user interface designers. The Web brought an influx of new people to UX. Our community expanded to include information architects and Web designers and information designers.
Today, many professionals working within the broader field of UX increasingly focus on specialized disciplines such as interaction design, information architecture, visual interface design, user research, and usability.
In addition to long-established UX organizations, we’ve recently seen the establishment of new organizations, including the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Experience Design, Information Architecture Institute (IAI
), and Interaction Design Association (IxDA
The professional organizations that support the UX community have an important role to play in bringing UX professionals the recognition and respect they deserve. Unfortunately, as the number of organizations for UX professionals proliferates, people are having to make hard choices about which memberships offer essential benefits to them and which do not. Many people are too busy in their work to attend conferences—even local meetings—or read a lot of print publications, so don’t join professional organizations at all. If they won’t be able to avail themselves of the services these organizations offer, why pay the hefty membership fees? But these organizations deserve our support—particularly for their excellent content and services on the Web, which almost everyone finds useful.