
Column: Business of Design

UXmatters has published 13 editions of the column Business of Design.

Top 3 Trending Business of Design Columns

  1. Designing for the Internet of Things (IoT)

    Business of Design

    Learnings from design projects

    A column by Manik Arora
    May 23, 2022

    In this column, I’ll focus on designing user experiences for the Internet of Things (IoT). What is the Internet of Things? It represents a worldwide network of physical devices whose software, sensors, and other technologies enable them to connect with one another and exchange data over the Internet.

    Through low-cost computing capabilities, massive data capture and storage, mobile technologies, the cloud, and data analytics, these physical devices can easily collect and share data with minimal human intervention. Digital systems are capable of monitoring, adjusting, and recording each individual interaction between connected devices. Thus, the digital world is meeting and cooperating with the physical world. Read More

  2. How UX Designers Can Add Value to a Business

    Business of Design

    Learnings from design projects

    A column by Manik Arora
    April 5, 2021

    The field of UX design is vast and expansive. It impacts every organization in the world. No business remains untouched by modern design sensibilities. As Adam Judge has said, “The alternative to good design is bad design. There is no such thing as no design.”

    But what is the worth of good design to an organization? Do UX designers add value to businesses in tangible and intangible ways? Yes! Studies suggest that the ROI of UX design could be as high as 9,900%! Furthermore, according to McKinsey, companies that score in the top quartile of the McKinsey Design Index outperform industry benchmark growth by 2:1. Read More

  3. 5 Ways to Elevate Your Design Pitches to Clients

    Business of Design

    Learnings from design projects

    A column by Manik Arora
    February 8, 2021

    Pitching is one of the most important skills for any UX designer to have. Your ability to pitch clients well naturally permeates your UX design outcomes. Knowing what makes a perfect pitch is something that undoubtedly comes with practice, but your pitches can be effective if you prepare them meticulously. Whether you’re working for a multinational design agency or are an independent UX designer, your design solutions are only as good as they appear to your clients. Therefore, a good design that you pitch poorly has very little impact.

    Throughout all my years pitching designs to clients, there have been highlights and lowlights. Over the years, I’ve isolated what has worked well from what hasn’t. I’ve picked up the best ideas from how others pitch and formulated and refined my own approach to pitching. You can do the same. In this column, I’ll share my specific approach to pitching, including five strategies that have helped me impress my clients. Whether you’re a rookie UX designer or seasoned veteran, incorporating some or all of these pitching strategies can elevate your pitching skills to the next level. Read More

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