
Experiences: eCommerce Experiences

UXmatters has published 9 articles on the topic eCommerce Experiences.

Top 3 Trending Articles on eCommerce Experiences

  1. 5 Ways Augmented Reality Can Increase Ecommerce Sales

    May 8, 2023

    Ultimately, the success of an ecommerce business depends primarily on its ability to attract and retain customers. One way to attract and retain customers consistently is to provide a great customer experience. In recent years, augmented reality (AR) has emerged as a powerful tool for achieving this goal.

    AR can help boost ecommerce sales by offering innovative ways of providing customers with extensive product information. Customers are more likely to purchase when they have an in-depth understanding of a product. According to research, creating AR experiences for products can increase conversion rates by up to 94%.

    In this article, I’ll explore five ways in which AR can increase ecommerce sales and transform the ways in which customers shop online. Read More

  2. 5 Ways of Using Data Analytics in Ecommerce

    July 24, 2023

    According to a recent market-research report, the amount of data people have collected across the universe will increase by 61% by the year 2025. This data should hit 175 zettabytes within the next two years. The ecommerce sector accounts for a huge part of all the data that businesses collect.

    Ecommerce involves lots of data, including customers’ social-media activities, Web-browser histories, and geolocation services. This data also includes the products that customers have abandoned in their shopping cart. Although gathering consumer data is very important, analyzing it to uncover insights is what matters most. Read More

  3. Craigslist’s Unconventional User Experience

    Evolution of XD Principles

    Challenging XD conventions

    A column by Dashiel Neimark
    June 19, 2017

    I’m going to open my new column Evolution of XD Principles with a quotation that actually contradicts my position:

    “If you do it right, it will last forever.”—Massimo Vignelli

    He’s wrong. Massimo is a very well-known, well-respected Italian designer who has impressed the world by successfully innovating products in a variety of disparate product spaces. But he’s wrong.

    Design should always accomplish one key thing: demonstrate a thorough understanding of the people who will engage with a solution. A design should accommodate the well-defined mental model of those engaging with an experience. However, a challenge for UX designers is this: mental models represent collections of knowledge—and knowledge is never static. Forever is a fallacy.

    With this premise in mind, my goal for this column is to write a series of articles that challenge traditional experience-design principles in a way that explores next-generation—and forgotten, last-generation—experience-design strategies.

    Join me, as I explore such topics as why ugly products sometimes succeed, how some companies can dictate rather than accommodate usability patterns, and the hidden value of a user experience with a tinge of dishonesty. I’ll be leading you on a journey that will take us off the beaten path—one on which the only constant is change. Read More

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